Pacific Passion

It’s been long since I have posted something.  Not the fact that I forgot I’m into blogging, was just trying to get accustomed to the new work environment, the new place, new people around. Look I have already started giving excuses, let me give a full stop to it here and tell about some interesting moments meeting some of the old buddies who have got graduated with me years back. 

You never realize how old you’ve grown with time until you meet your old companions.  Last weekend met some of my old friends whom I have known since 7-8 years.  Something brought us together over a cup of creamed coffee over the weekend. It’s a pleasure talking to an old friend because they know the craziest things you have ever done, your wired ambitions, and you can be just yourself. Our get-together took us back to lanes where we talked and fought.  At one point of time the biggest problem in life was getting a good score or escaping from being caught bunking a class, the greatest achievement was getting placed in one of the top firms, being thrown out of the class for a silly reason as talking was considered the biggest crime, Sharing the lunch box was an utmost satisfaction; A Lecturer being absent was a reason to merry, Participating in the cultural events was an easiest option to gain attendance. Project work and record submissions were the toughest met deadlines. Mass bunking was the greatest planned activity.. Jumping out of the window from class and Proxies were the norms. The Chat Bandar in the 6th lane was our favorite hangout.

I still remember them as they were years back, for the naughty things done in class and today glad to see the transformation, the clarity in thoughts. They are now turned to be the buddies to whom I can discuss anything, reach out for an advice. Each of us choose a different path and are back with our experiences. The nostalgic movements had made us travel back in time. As time passes we gradually evolved as human beings, we develop our own opinions and thoughts, we face and overcome the bigger problems in life, we understand what the other person thinks is not as foolish as it sounds, seen the maturity in the discussions.  As each day passed by yesterday becomes history, a few moments gets registered to our memory.  Relishing the funny instances forced us to bring out the forgotten selves buried within and the fact that we haven’t changed we just grew with time.

The years teach much which the days never know.


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