This is where it began, the rest is still unwritten, Should I say I would
complete it one day, then it's a lie an excuse that may extend for weeks,
months and years because no real writer am I, I just made a start and the
journey continued.

Here's a summary of the blog.

Pacific Passions
Towards human compassion
To begin with is my journey
Screenshots from memory

Desultory thoughts
For surfers to halt
Gadgets and travels
With cobbles are gravels

Technology Trends
That’s for my IT friends
Nitty-gritty verses
Creating traverses

Reviews and laughter’s
Though not a good drafter
Most of it is an abstract
To keep them all intact

Wrapped in these words
Is all that I’ve conjured?
No writer I am, no matters to rival
In narration I am just a new arrival

You are welcome to condemn
And to defend
Suggestion and comment
Is all you can extend?


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