Pacific Passion
Today most of the sports use coin flipping for decision making. The coin is
tossed in the air to choose between the two alternatives. It’s chosen
because its simple, the outcome is unbiased, the probability of each
outcome is the same and it’s only very rare that the coin ends up in a pit
or on the edge. In such cases the coin is tossed again.
The practice has an ancient origin. Biblical history defines the chance
outcome as the expression of divine will and the well known example is how
Jonah was chosen to be thrown out of the boat. Jonah was chosen by God to
proclaim the judgment to the Nineveh. Jonah resists and tries to escape. He
goes to Joppa and boards a boat. God sends a great storm to the sea. The
captain decides there is someone in the boat whom God is not pleased with.
They randomly pick Jonah and he was cast out of the boat
to calm the sea. He was then swallowed by a whale, he realizes that he
cannot escape from God and prays for mercy.
Sometimes we use to this mechanism to solve small disputes among friends as
to who would do it first/last. It’s a chance outcome that doesn’t repeat.
When I call it a chance outcome I remember this famous joke where a student
tosses a coin to choose an answer at an examination and again tosses the
coin to verify and gets worried the answers don’t match.
For more information related to coin flipping refer:
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