Pacific Passion
Whether to conquer
Or to redeem a suffering Younker
May be to condemn
Or could be to commence
A thought blossoms in ones heart
Sown deep within is the root for all start

Whether to construct or to destruct
Or to design a code of conduct
May be for progress
Or could be to regress
A thought blossoms in ones heart
Sown deep within is the root for all start

Whether to live a humble dream
Or to be among the Supreme’s
May be for peace
Or could be to cease
A thought blossoms in ones heart
Sown deep within is the root for all start

Whether to live in harmony
Or to put life in misery
May be to support
Or could be to oppose
A thought blossoms in ones heart
Sown deep within is the root for all start

Whether it is for hatred or love
Or a devotee of God above
May be a fanatic fight for cause
Or could be an atrocious attack over loss
A thought blossoms in ones heart
Sown deep within is the root for all start

Whether an apostle of revolution
Or a war by theoretical fusion
May be a scientific invention
Or could be a political convention
A thought blossoms in ones heart
Sown deep within is the root for all start
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